Sunday, August 19, 2007
Blogs are a strange, but interesting, phenomena.
A very common problem in the English language is the correct, er, incorrect, usage of a certain class of nouns with respect to number—i.e., what is the singular and how to use it versus the plural and its correct usage.
Here are the words in question: criterion vs. criteria, medium vs. media, phenomenon vs. phenomena, and datum vs. data. I learn best by seeing simple examples, so let me give some examples of correct usage using these words.
Criterion vs. criteria
When I'm looking for a new job, salary is an important criterion.
Critical criteria to consider when buying a car are price and fuel efficiency.
Medium vs. media
The thumb drive is a small, inexpensive, and convenient data storage medium.
The mainstream news media are liberal pinheads. [In this case, I use the plural media because there are several of them—TV, radio, newspaper, etc.]
Phenomenon vs. phenomena
The Aurora Borealis is a beautiful phenomenon.
Tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes are destructive natural phenomena.
Datum vs. data
Age is a datum most women do not like sharing.
The data on the Mig are inaccurate.
One other note on datum and data. The initial a is a long a, as in cake. That's the gospel according to Jay. Webster's allows for a short a, but the problem with Webster's is that they modify their take on things based on the way words are commonly used by the people, and, as we know, people are stupid. When language changes for a good reason, that's one thing, but when it changes because people are morons, that's unacceptable.
One last thing before I close this post. There is another similar class of nouns with which folks may struggle regarding pluralization.
Focus vs. foci
The focus of this meeting is the lack of efficiency in the office.
An ellipse has two foci. (pronounced foh-sigh)
Locus vs. loci
The locus of the samba competition in Rio is the Sambadromo.
Carnaval celebrations take place at many loci around the world. (pronounced loh-sigh)
Radius vs. radii
This circle has a radius of 3 inches.
The front and rear wheels of a car may have varying radii. (pronounced ray-dee-eye)
One last example is obscure but critical. My grammatical soulmate, Bob W., has suggested the possibility of a plural for hocus-pocus. The answer is clear, and I will use it in an example:
If one wishes to see many examples of hoci-poci, one has simply to watch the Harry Potter series of movies.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Irregardless of what you may have been told, this is a very exciting blog.
Stop and think. In fact, the word you really want is actually easier to pronounce. You shouldn't even need to stop and think. It should just roll right off your tongue—and your very small brain. It's regardless. This is such a no-brainer that I'm having difficulty coming up with more material to make this post interesting.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I'm going to lay down...the book.
It's important to know what a transitive verb is if you want to master laying and lying. A transitive verb functions in concert with an object. For example, "I hit the ball." Ball receives the action of the verb hit. On the other hand, an intransitive verb acts alone. For example, "I sleep."
There are four pertinent angles relating to these verbal contortions.
- Transitive
- Intransitive
- Present tense
- Past tense
Let's look at present tense examples, first. "I'm tired, so I'm going to go lie down." This is intransitive. The verb lie doesn't work with an object. It's used alone. The common error is to say "I'm going to lay down." The problem is that we need a present tense, intransitive verb here, as there is no object being acted upon. Lie is what we want. This is probably the single biggest problem. People tend to say "I'm going to lay down" or "Fido! Lay down!" You hear this every day.
Next, the present transitive. "Please lay the book on the table." Remember, the transitive verb goes along with an object which is acted upon. In this case, we are doing something to the book. We are laying it on the table.
So far we have:
- Present intransitive: lie
- Present transitive: lay
Now, let's move on to the past tense—first, the intransitive. "Last night, I lay down at around ten o'clock." Yes, this is a little bit confusing. Not only is lay present transitive, it's also past intransitive.
Finally, let's see an example of past transitive. "When I was ordered to do so, I immediately laid the gun down." This happened in the past and it's a verb that acts on an object. I did something to the gun. I laid it down.
For past tenst, we have:
- Past intransitive: lay
- Past transitive: laid
So, in summary, here are our options:
- Present intransitive: lie
- Present transitive: lay
- Past intransitive: lay
- Past transitive: laid
The keys to mastering laying and lying are twofold. First, understand transitive and intransitive verbs. Second, memorize which verbs to use in the four cases.
Just for thoroughness, let me mention not being truthful, or rather, to lie. This is altogether different. "Don't lie to me, boy!" or, "If you don't quit lying, I'm gonna beat you to a pulp!" I don't think most folks have problems with this usage (maybe my examples, though), but I just thought I'd mention it.
Oh, and I almost forgot about present progressive. No big deal. "I am lying down" or, "He is laying the book down." These are easy, once you've mastered the main four.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
A very unique blog.
And why am I writing this? Well, in part, to annoy Bob. Yesterday, I discovered that Bob's really into grammar, too. In fact he may get more annoyed with people who speak poorly than do I. This discovery tickled me pink. Bob and I are quite unique in that most folks aren't too into grammar, while we are.
Okay, by now Bob's head is about to pop, so I'll just cut to the chase. The word unique is like a computer bit. It's binary. On or off. True or false. The case or not. Something can't be very true (a common expression). It's either true or it's not. Likewise, something either is or isn't unique. Something can't be very unique or quite unique or not terribly unique.
A snowflake is unique. A human being is unique. A painting is unique (unless done by a computer, I suppose). A one-off custom car is unique. This blog is unique—although there may be other blogs pertaining to grammar. None of these things is very unique. That's impossible. Something is either alone in its likeness or there are others like it.
So, if you think your blog is unique, just look around. Yours may not be quite as unique as you thought.
Friday, June 8, 2007
How to decipher if someone is hoity-toity.
We all know that me is a pronoun used as an object. For example, "Would you like to come to lunch with me?" or "Please give me the book." Why, then, do people commonly use I as an object when, clearly, it functions as a subject? For example, "I sleep eight hours a night."
Well, it's because they're hoity-toity. They think they're special, but they're really not. They're bright enough to use me only when it's by itself. When you throw another noun into the mix—typically someone else's name—they get confused. They figure "I'm confused. I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I may as well sound like I know what I'm talking about, and me can't be right, so I'll just use I." For example, "Do you want to go to a movie with Jimbob and I tonight?" They can handle just the pronoun, but Jimbob really screws things up.
So, if you really want to impress I—er, me—keep your pronouns straight.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wait a minute. This looks like rock and/or roll.
It seems like, every so often, you see a pretty obvious (to the grammatically initiated, anyway) error of some sort in places that should justify professional production. I think the one I see with the greatest frequency is the incorrect contraction of "and" joining two other words. Let me just cut to the chase and give a correct—and age old—example: Rock 'n' Roll. The first apostrophe takes the place of the omitted "a" and the second the "d."
The common error is to "forget" one of the apostrophies or simply to make the whole thing a compound word, which, of course, doesn't make any sense.
If anyone can provide real world examples of this screw up, please spread the love. Heck, while you're at it, how 'bout any good grammatical errors in advertising!
They're waiting in their car over there.
Very simple, really. Here's the scoop:
1) they're is a contraction (i.e., two words scrunched together with some stuff missing in the middle) of they and are. The apostrophe signifies that there used to be some characters, but we've omitted them. In this case, we're throwing away the space and the a. It's just a way to streamline what we're saying. It's a bit more casual than using separate words. So instead of saying "They are going on vacation tomorrow," we would say "They're going on vacation tomorrow."
2) their is a plural possessive pronoun. It signifies that something belongs to them. For example, "When they go on vacation, they'll be driving their car." The car belongs to them.
3) there specifies location. "The book is on the table, right over there" or "The car is over there." There is also used with is, are, was, were, etc. to indicate existence. For example, "There are airplane races in Reno each year" or "There is gum in your hair (d'oh!)."
While there are many challenges in the English language, they're not insurmountable, and people who put forth the extra effort to master this language will find their lives enriched.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Frank is a honorable man.
Frank is a honorable man.
Here's another:
At the funeral on Saturday, Tim gave an eulogy.
Using "a" in front of words that sound like they start with a vowel requires back to back glottal stops. This is difficult. It doesn't roll off the tongue.
Likewise, pronouncing "an" takes more work than does "a" (the tongue must come into play), so if the noun following the article doesn't start with a glottal stop, it's easier to use "a."
I suspect the usage was formed based on ease of use. Here is the rule: use the article "an" in front of words that sound like they start with a vowel and use "a" in front of words that sound like they start with a consonant.
Now you know the true rule regarding when to use "a" and when to use "an" and we can say with certainty that Frank is, indeed, a very honorable man.